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Thanks for visiting our website!We do our very best to provide the highest level of customer service
Qingdao Winners Corporation is a top qualified manufacturer of wheelbarrows,wheels and a specialized supplier to a wide scale of international leading enterprises and companies.
Our storage.logistics and quality control stysterms obtain minimum response times from when our clients place that customer wintime and the market is the best commitment we can offer our clients
During many years an outstanding expertise and all-round know-how have been built up in the fields of engineering.auto welding and powder coating..Rubber extrude,Plastic injection.Baded on these expertises WINNERS meets the most demanding international needs and standards.
By consequent investments.over the years.in specialised engineers.employees and machinery.Winners has itself. As a metal,rubber,plastic,wood production company,successfully developed into major and leading manufacturers.
Based on the exemplary market position and thanks to the flexible production process Winners anticipates the demands,needs and standards of the international market, with the right balance between product quality and price.
The multifunctional process technology enables Winners to produce,besides wheel barrows,wheels a wide range of branch related products at attractive rates. 


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